History Club / Reenactment Group
“Ambassadors of 18th Century American History”
“The Mission Of The Youth Virginia Regiment Is To Educate Youth To Be Ambassadors Of 18th Century American History And Culture Pertaining To The Revolutionary War.”
The YVR is a Non-Profit (501c3) Public Charity and fully Insured Non-Stock Corporation, Public Education Group.
The YVR is a Youth Representative Living History Reenactment Group, portraying multiple Figures and Personas of the American Revolution / War for Independence and 18th Century Culture and Life, Including, but not limited to Soldiers and Civilians of both sides of the Conflict.
As Living Historians of the American Revolution, our focus is on Representing the Diversity and Full Spectrum of those involved in the Conflict, often presenting Different Perspectives and Voices of the 18th Century.
Our Program is about teaching our Youth through active participation, and our Youth teaching to other Youth at Public Events, Presentations.
The YVR is a History Club and Reenactment Group (Living History). We are a family oriented group, with a focus on Youth Members. We actively recruit Youth ages 8-13, we encourage their family to participate with them, and thereby welcome all ages within their family that are able to participate without distraction or disruption to others and meet behavioral standards.
Among other goals, the Intent of the YVR is to MAKE REENACTING ACCESSIBLE to those families and Youth that it may not otherwise be accessible to. First by providing Period appropriate clothing to Youth that might otherwise be cost prohibitive.
The YVR maintains a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere and shares a love of history and the joy of reenacting with others.
● Public Historic & Heritage Events.
● Museums.
● Public Schools.
● Historic Reenactments.
● Ceremonies, Parades.
● 18th Century Encampment “Life of a Soldier”: Small or Large (Youth Lead)
● 18th Century Games (Youth Lead)
● Drill & Soldier Station (Youth Lead)
● Cannon Drill (Youth Lead)
● Spinning/Sewing (Youth Lead)
● Uniforms/Gear 18th Century Clothing (Youth Lead)
● Cartridge Rolling, 18th Century Weapons (Youth Lead)
● Butter Churning (Youth Lead)
● Historical Figures/Presentations (Youth Presentations)
● 18th Century Cooking/Camp Life (Youth Lead, Adult Supervised)
● 18th Century Music/Dance (Youth Lead, Adult Supervised)
● 18th Century Weapons Display (Youth Lead)
● Tomahawk Throwing (Adult Lead) *Safe/Requires Clear Backdrop
● Bayonet Training (Adult Lead)
● Tent Setup Station (Youth Lead, Adult Supervised) *Space/Time Consuming.